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This 3rd Week of February 2023 Thoughts

Writer's picture: Julie SkyeJulie Skye

The 10-Year Bond just hit 3.83%! This is a good clip to listen to: FED sees JobCuts

Tip for your Client Portal: if you are accessing on your tablet or phone, look at the bottom of the screen for the Vault: this is where your Schwab and SAA documents are.

Investors withdrew $10 billion from US stock funds during January. This was the second-largest monthly outflow since January, 2019 and the eighth largest in the past decade.

Where did that money go? Under the mattress? Nope! While some investors in the U.S. were talking about what Microsoft or Tesla would do, U.S. others were quietly pouring $17.8 billion into overseas equity ETFs.

Why does it matter to you? International stocks have lagged by a large margin over the last 10 years, but we need to be sure we are investing in global and emerging market stocks this year. Diversification means you have an allocation to every part of the market…not just the last few year’s winners. We want to be where the puck is going.

Why does it matter to you? Here is another way to show the move from U.S. stocks to other asset classes: don’t get stuck in one place, when the data shows it is time to expand your thinking. Most of all…if the recent performance has lagged, it is time to dig in and find out why. We don't do "rear-view-mirror" investing here.

Henderson, Harvard University economics professor, and Jonathan F.P. Rose, as they discuss the failings of modern capitalism and how businesses imbued with a sense of purpose can help create more sustainable, ethical economies powered by motivated and dignified personnel.

Henderson observes that capitalism is the most successful economic system in history, and yet it’s in danger of destroying itself - and our world. Purpose can help. Cutting-edge research has found that firms that view profits as a means to an end, rather than as an end it itself – and who view their mission as the creation of social value – are often significantly more productive and creative than more conventional firms. They can also be powerful allies in driving the social and political change that is needed if we are to address the great problems of our time.

As Henderson suggests in her recently released book; "Re-Imagining Capitalism in a World on Fire," you don’t need to transform the structure of the modern corporation single-handedly to make a difference. If you can make even a small part of a single firm a better place to work, you will change lives. Join us to learn more about the role that business can play in building a just and sustainable society.

This interactive online event is part of a continuing series in the Garrison Institute’s Forum on Pathways to Planetary Health PPH). Building on the Garrison Institute’s earlier Climate, Mind and Behavior (CMB) program, Pathways to Planetary Health explores the moral, ethical, and human behavioral dimensions of the search for regenerative solutions, including Half-Earth, Ecological Civilization, Regenerative Economics, and Societal Altruism. Why does it matter to you? The several hours I spend each day reading and researching how to make this global movement turn into actionable items comes to you through these Friday Thoughts and the investment advice I give you!

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